Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Where the odours comes from??

Organic chemists are regularly surrounded by chemicals and their smell. Colour is not the only characteristic by which we recognize compounds. Too often, it is their odour that allows us know that they are around. My relationship with strong, pungent, fishy, offending odours began in the early years of undergraduate lab training. This is not true only for chemists, but also for them coming from allied fields.

Odour is complex chemistry. One can come across various smelly substances especially those emanating from the kitchen of every household. Odour Chemistry is so complex that it took until 2004 for a Nobel Prize to be awarded for work that teased out the nature of smell and the remarkable combinatorial mechanism by which the human nose senses odour.  
Smells influence much of our behaviour, including what we choose to eat, with whom we flirt, and also alert us to danger. But, despite its importance, we have never fully understood how we smell. The olfactory system is a complex set of processes that include membrane receptors in the nose, electrical signals, and our brain. However, humans would not be able to detect smells unless the appropriate odour molecules are released into the air. Scientists from French National Research Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) in Jouy-en-Josas, France, have used lab-on-a-chip technology to shed some light on this complicated process.

Scientists know that aroma molecules, or odorants, bind to olfactory receptors (ORs) which sit under a layer of mucus in the upper section of the nose. There are more than 350 different ORs in humans, and these work in a combinatorial fashion to allow us to smell many more odorants. Odorant binding to an OR sets off a chain of events that converts the chemical binding energy into a neural signal, which we register as a smell. What is puzzling, though, is how this first binding step works – most odorants are hydrophobic, while the mucus covering the ORs in the nose is aqueous. Scientists have assumed that another species becomes involved to help shuttle the odorant through the mucus layer: an odorant binding protein (OBP).
The main quality of a chemical compound that enables us to smell is its volatility.  The compound should have a relatively low vapor pressure that allows whiffs of it to escape from its container and interact with the biochemical sensory switches inside our body. A lot of organic compounds have this quality so most young chemists encounter some kind of smell during their freshman or sophomore chemistry lab. As a newbie, it can be confusing to smell certain compounds that we end up confusing our senses.We have to remember that human nose is not that good in sensing odour. If we could, I am sure we would find the smell of the armpit odour seductive.

Recently, while conducting practicals on microscale separation of organic compounds from a binary mixture made me think about the smell of organic compounds. For example, someone started sniffing in full curiosity to identify the separated compound with just a whiffy smell. It is obvious to instinctively start sniffing without realizing the toxic reactions
During the early days of chemistry, when there were no techniques for determining the structure and identities of molecules, colour and smell were the two main qualities on which chemists could rely on for identifying specific compounds. Even forensic investigators often identified the presence of poisons by their smells. For instance arsenic has a garlic-like smell, and hydrogen cyanide smells mildly of bitter almonds. And yes, I so love the smell of bitter almonds! Unfortunately not all poisons have a compelling odour. Carbon monoxide is a notorious example, and a lot of deaths from the gas occur because people cannot smell it while it’s building up around them. Sarin gas is another example from the lot. Researchers came up with idea of spiking the noxious gas with smelly compounds, like natural gas, a potentially dangerous odourless agent can be spiked with minute concentrations of a highly smelly additive methane thiol.

This brings us to thiols, bad smelly skunks. If you ask chemists to universally agree upon one element in the periodic table under the title of king of bad smells, they will affirmatively settle on sulphur, especially in the form of thiols. Thiols – also called mercaptans – are compounds with a sulfur bonded to a hydrogen, an atomic combination denoted by SH. Yes, the very own skunky smell and flatulence. These compounds, along with related thioethers like dimethylsulfide, are also characterized by their extremely noxious odors (reminiscent of rotting eggs, overcooked cabbage, sweat, diesel fumes and a host of other foul aromas) at anything above the lowest of concentrations.

I was always intrigued by the Kipp’s apparatus generating the simplest thiol- hydrogen sulfide, denoted by H2S. H2S contributes to the classic smell of rotten eggs-Some Kitchen Chemistry here. The apparatus contained a few filings of iron sulfide in hydrochloric acid. The reaction between these two generated the gas which we would bubble into test-tubes for semi-micro inorganic analysis. 

On a quick literature survey, I came across some great snippets on Odor Chemistry. The worst smell ever recorded that led to evacuation of German city, Frieberg (1889) when workers at the Esso Research Station in England were trying to make thioacetone from trithioacetone.
They described the event as,
“……... we found ourselves with an odour problem beyond our worst expectations. … Two of our chemists had done no more than investigate cracking of minute amounts of trithioacetone found themselves the object of hostile stares in a restaurant and suffered the humiliation of having a waitress spray the area around them with a deodorant………..The odours defied the expected effects of dilution since workers in the laboratory did not find the odours intolerable … and genuinely denied responsibility since they were working in closed systems. To convince them otherwise, they were dispersed with other observers around the laboratory, at distances up to a quarter of a mile, and one drop of either acetone gem-dithiol or the mother liquors from crude trithioacetone crystallisations were placed on a watch glass in a fume cupboard. The odour was detected downwind in seconds………..” There are two candidates for this dreadful smell- propane dithiol and 4-methyl-4-sulphanylpentan-2-one.
To work up such a reaction will be a daunting task for a chemist.
"The offensive odors released by cracking trithioacetone to prepare linear poly(thioacetone) are confined and eliminated by working in a large glove box with an alkaline permanganate seal, decontaminating all apparatus with alkaline permanganate, eliminating obnoxious vapors with nitrous fumes generated by a few grams of Cu in HNO3, and destroying all residues by running them into the center of a wood fire in a brazier."
To redeem the honour of sulfur compounds, I must cite the example of truffle which pigs can smell through a metre of soil and whose taste and smell is so delightful that truffles cost more than their weight in gold. Damascenones are responsible for the smell of roses. 

If you smell one drop you will be disappointed, as it smells rather like turpentine or camphor, but next morning you and the clothes you were wearing will smell powerfully of roses. Just like the compounds from trithioacetone, this smell develops on dilution.
Everyone relishes garlic bread but even one bite later you realize that not just your mouth but even your sweat smells like garlic. Garlic is made up of sulphuric compoundsthat render the pungent smell to it. Also, when we put garlic in our mouth, it encourages the growth of certain bacteria that is already present in our mouth. This leads to bad breath. Garlic contains allyl methyl sulphide, which is the reason for the pungent smell. It passes into our blood stream during the digestion process. Once it is in our body, it gets to the pores of our skin and when we sweat, it gets expelled and causes the sweat to smell. The allyl methyl sulphide also enters our lungs and contaminates the air inside. As we breathe, the air enters our lungs, gets contaminated and comes out as we exhale. This is why our breath smells. The effect of this chemical lasts for few hours but the bad breath and body odour will continue till it is completely thrown out of our system by way of sweat or excreta.
If you’ve smelled a durian even once, you probably remember it. Durians have a notorious aroma likened to rotting meat, turpentine and gym socks. Even with the husk intact, the notorious Asian fruit has such a potent stench that it’s banned on the Singapore Rapid Mass Transit. 

Food writer Richard Sterling has written “its odour is best described as…turpentine and onions, garnished with a gym sock. It can be smelled from yards away.” The fruit’s flesh is sometimes eaten raw, or is cooked and used to flavor a number of traditional Southeast Asian dishes and candies. It’s also used in traditional Asian medicine, as both an anti-fever treatment and a aphrodisiac. In breaking down aroma extract, taken from Thai durians, with a mass spectrometer and gas chromatograph, the team, led by Jia-Ziao Li, pinpointed 50 discrete compounds in the fruit responsible for its uncommon aroma. Those compounds included eight that hadn’t been detected in durians before—and four compounds that had been completely unknown to science.Their analysis suggests that it is not any single compound but instead the mixture of different chemicals that produces the fruit’s powerful stench. The compounds are identified by their chemical formulae, which are likely cryptic to anyone without a degree in organic chemistry (1-{[1-(ethylsulfanyl)ethyl]sulfanyl}ethanethiol, for example), but the research team associated each one with a particular odor. What’s interesting is that none of the compounds individually seem to match with the characteristic durian smell—they range widely, and include labels like fruity, skunky, metallic, rubbery, burnt, roasted onion, garlic, cheese, onion and honey. A number of them have been detected in just a few other substances, such as cooked beef, yeast extract, dried squid and leeks. Somehow, the combination of these 50 chemicals produces the powerful scent that has entranced and repulsed people the world over.

However, there are innumerable examples of chemical reactions giving pleasant odours too. Maillard reaction is a form of non-enzymatic browning- a chemical reaction between an amino acid and a reducing sugar, usually requiring heat. Reactive carbonyl group of sugar reacts with nucleophilic amino group of the amino acid, and forms a complex mixture of poorly characterized molecules responsible for a range of odors and flavors. This process is accelerated in an alkaline environment, as the amino groups are deprotonated resulting in increased nucleophilicity. The type of the amino acid determines the resulting flavor. This reaction is the basis of the flavoring industry. That is how we can enjoy bread toast, biscuits, French fries and our roasted meat !!!

Monday, 21 July 2014

Food Coloring and color

Food Coloring and color
Food color is any substance that is added to food or drink to change its color. Food coloring is used in both in commercial food production and in domestic cooking. Due to its safety and general availability, food coloring is also used in a variety of non-food applications. Organic molecules are the cause of color in food colorings. The objective of adding color to foods is to make them appealing, augment the loss of color during processing, to improve the quality and also to influence the consumer to buy a product. Sometimes, the aim is to simulate a color that is perceived by the consumer as natural, such as adding red coloring to glace cherries which would otherwise be beige.
Due to the increased awareness on therapeutic and medicinal properties, the demand of natural dyes is increasing worldwide. Natural dyes are those derived from naturally occurring sources such as plants, insects, animals and minerals. Among all the natural dyes, plant-based pigments have medicinal values so are mostly preferred.
Food colorings are tested for safety by various bodies around the world and sometimes different bodies have different views on food color safety. In the United States, FD&C numbers are given to approve synthetic food dyes that do not exist in nature, while in the European Union, E numbers are used for all additives, both synthetic and natural, which are approved in food applications.
There are three major categories of food colors;                                                                   1)Natural colors                                                                                                                           2)Synthetic colors                                                                                                                       3)Lakes and dyes
1.   Natural Food color
Natural Food Color is any dye, pigment or any other substance obtained from vegetable, animal, mineral, or source capable of coloring food drug, cosmetic or any part of human body, colors come from variety of sources such as seeds, fruits, vegetables, algae & insect. Natural food colors have taken on an added importance for many food manufacturers as the public demand for more products made from all natural ingredients grows.
The following table outlines the ranges of colors available. Many of these colors are available in different strengths, bases and shades.

Carmine also called Crimson Lake, Cochineal, Natural Red 4, C.I. 75470, or E120, is
a pigment of a bright red color obtained from the carminic acid produced by some scale insects, such as the cochineal and the Polish cochineal, and is used as a general term for a particularly deep red color of the same name. Carmine is used in the manufacture of artificial flowers, paints, crimson ink, rouge, and other cosmetics, and is routinely added to food products such as yogurt and certain brands of juice, most notably those of the ruby-red variety.

Carmine may be prepared from cochineal, by boiling dried insects in water to extract the carminic acid and then treating the clear solution with alum, cream of tartar, stannous chloride, or potassium hydrogen oxalate; the coloring and animal matters present in the liquid are thus precipitated. Other methods are in use in which egg white, fish glue, or gelatin are sometimes added before the precipitation.

Paprika is a spice made from the grinding of dried fruits of Capsicum annuum (e.g., bell peppers or chili peppers). In many European languages, the word paprika refers to bell peppers themselves. The seasoning is used in many cuisines to add color and flavor to dishes. Paprika can range from sweet (mild, not hot) to spicy (hot). Flavors also vary from country to country.
The pigments of importance present in paprika are a mixture of capsanthin and capsorubin, both are carotenoids, responsible for the red color of the dye. This dye is used in cosmetics and in medicine


The term carotene is used for several related hydrocarbon substances having the formula C40Hx, which are synthesized by plants but cannot be made by animals. Carotene is an orange photosynthetic pigment important for photosynthesis. Carotenes are all colored to the human eye. They are responsible for the orange color of the carrot, for which this class of chemicals is named, and for the colours of many other fruits and vegetables (for example, sweet potatoes and orange cantaloupe melon). Carotenes are also responsible for the orange (but not all of the yellow) colours in dry foliage.
The two primary isomers of carotene, α-carotene and β-carotene, differ in the position of double bonds in the cyclic group at the end.


Curcumin is the principal curcuminoid of the popular Indian spice turmeric, which is a member of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae). The other two curcuminoids are desmethoxycurcumin and bis-desmethoxycurcumin. The curcuminoids are polyphenols and are responsible for the yellow color of turmeric. Curcumin can exist in at least two tautomeric forms, keto and enol. The enol form is more energetically stable in the solid phase and in solution.
Curcumin incorporates several functional groups. The aromatic ring systems, which are polyphenols are connected by two α,β-unsaturated carbonyl groups. The two carbonyl groups form a diketone. The diketone form stable enols or are easily deprotonated and form enolates, while the α,β-unsaturated carbonyl is a good Michael acceptor and undergoes nucleophilic addition.

Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in most plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. Its name is derived from the Greek (chloros "green") and (phyllon "leaf"). Chlorophyll absorbs light most strongly in the blue portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, followed by the red portion. However, it is a poor absorber of green and near-green portions of the spectrum, hence the green color of chlorophyll-containing tissues. Chlorophyll was first isolated by Joseph Bienaime Caventou and Pierre Joseph Pelletier in 1817.

2.   Synthetic colors
Synthetic food colors are used widely in the food industry and despite the recent emphasis on natural colors continue to be the number one source of color. Synthetic colors are stable, economical and safe.
Typical applications are:
·         Beverages
·         Jams and Jellies
·         Desserts
·         Confections
·         Cakes and Cookies
·         Ready to eat Cereal
·         Pet foods
·         Pharmaceuticals

3.   Lakes and dyes

Food color lakes are the pigment form of the food color dyes. Lakes are used in applications when there is limited moisture or where a surface coating is required.
Typical applications for lakes and lake dispersions include:
·        Pan coated confections
·        Compound coatings
·        Pharmaceutical tablets and coatings
·        Dry powder blends
·        Snack foods

Color of Meat

There are two types of meat: red and white. Red meat contains a highly pigmented protein called myoglobin that stores oxygen in the muscle cells. More the myoglobin in the cells, the redder is the meat. However, as meat is heated, the proteins break down and shrink in size. When the interior of the meat reaches 170° F, hemichrome (a tan colored compound) levels rise, and the myoglobin becomes metmyoglobin, which gives well-done meat its brown-gray shade. White meat contains glycogen, which has a translucent "glassy" quality when it is raw. When it's cooked, the proteins recombine, or coagulate, and the meat becomes opaque and whitish.
Myoglobin forms pigments responsible for making meat red. The color that meat takes is partly determined by the charge of the iron atom in myoglobin and the oxygen attached to it. When meat is in its raw state, the iron atom is in the +2 oxidation state, and is bound to a dioxygen molecule (O2). Meat cooked well done is brown because the iron atom is now in the +3 oxidation state, having lost an electron, and is now coordinated by a water molecule. Under some conditions, meat can also remain pink all through cooking, despite being heated to high temperatures. If meat has been exposed to nitrites, it will remain pink because the iron atom is bound to NO, nitric oxide (true of, e.g., corned beef or cured hams). Grilled meats can also take on a pink "smoke ring" that comes from the iron binding a molecule of carbon monoxide to give metmyoglobin. Raw meat packed in a carbon monoxide atmosphere also shows this same pink "smoke ring" due to the same coordination chemistry. Notably, the surface of the raw meat also displays the pink color, which is usually associated in consumers' minds with fresh meat. This artificially-induced pink color can persist in the meat for a very long time, reportedly up to one year. Hormel and Cargill are both reported to use this meat-packing process, and meat treated this way has been in the consumer market since 2003. Myoglobin is found in Type I muscle, Type II A and Type II B, but most texts consider myoglobin not to be found in smooth muscle.

Apples Turning Brown

Apples contain an enzyme called polyphenol oxidase (PPO), also known as tyrosinase. Cutting an apple exposes its cells to the atmospheric oxygen and oxidizes the phenolic compounds present in apples. This is called the enzymatic browning that turns a cut apple brown. In addition to apples, enzymatic browning is also evident in bananas, pears, avocados and even potatoes.

Ripening of Fruits
A simple hydrocarbon gas ethylene switches on the necessary genes that stimulate the secretion of the ripening enzymes which catalyze reactions to change the properties of the fruit. Ethylene channelizes the action of several other chemicals called hydrolase, amylase, kinase and pectinase. These enzymes convert starch to sugar, alter the cell walls to make them softer, neutralize acids and cause the fruit to emit an aroma.

Sunday, 20 July 2014


                                                Introduction on Drugs
Chemical substances consumed by humans are called drugs. Chemical substances are classified into drugs if it has one of the following properties;
 I) medicina
 II) intoxicating
 III) performance enhancer.
 Normally, drugs are mostly used for medicinal purposes to treat illness. Drugs are categorised into two categories viz; 
I) stimulant
 II) depressants.
  Stimulant, from the word itself it implies that it stimulates, Stimulants are Central Nervous System stimulating drugs. Examples include cocaine crack, caffeine and amphetamines. These stimulants stimulate the Central Nervous System and the repercussion of the stimulation is that an individual focus as well as performances is elevated.
The widest and the common caffeine that we consume are coffee, tea and soft drinks like Pepsi, Coca-Cola and others. Aforementioned, those stimulants increases an individual level of focus or alertness. These stimulants pose negative effects when over consumption takes place. It includes sleep deprivation, headache, anxiousness, and the severe effect is addiction. Once addicted, consumers of those beverages will not be able to continue a day without having one of those drinks.
The next category of drugs is depressants. Depressants are mostly found in alcohol.  Alcohol is normally found in brewed drinks that embodies beer, wine and liquor. A depressant is defined as a drug that affects the Central Nervous System by impeding its functions. Alcohol in general affects a person hearing, vision, movement as well as perception by placing a barrier that obstructs some of the messages that are heading to the brain. Alcohol effects vary based on consumption level. A person will be less anxious and feel a bit better when a small amount of alcohol is consumed. The negative side becomes severe when a lot of alcohol is consumed as well as when over consumptions take place. The negative effects include:
i)                    Intoxication ( a person turn out to be either too genial or too aggressive )
ii)                  Disoriented and tend to lose contact with the surrounding environment
iii)                Lose coordination and wobble or walk with unsteadiness
iv)                Lose perception (they think that they are behaving normal whereas they are not

v)                  Alcohol poisoning if the consumptions carries over a span of time. The symptoms starts with aggressive vomiting, extreme sleepiness, breathing difficulty, seizures and ends with death when the over consumption gets too severe.



        Youngsters mostly students who are under 18 years old have easy access to alcohol even though it is illegal for individual under 18 years old to consume alcohol according to the provision of law in Malaysia. The question here is not on the accessibility but on the impulsion why youngsters especially students resorts to such stuff. The reasons include;
i)                    Inquisitiveness ( where students wants to know the feel of alcohol consumption )
ii)                  To relax and reduce stress due to education
iii)       They feel that they are matured after consuming the alcohol.

It is to be noted and taken into consideration that it is strictly prohibited and illegal for individual under the age of 18 to consume alcoholic products. Individuals who breached the law will either be fined, imprisoned or both based on the severity of the situation. Over consumption of alcohol brings multidinuous negative impulsions that include;
i)                    Resorts into crime and fights
ii)                  Students will lose their focus in their studies
iii)                Coordination as well as students self-consciousness will be affected
iv)                Students will lose their normal senses like peeing in public
v)                  Resorts to sexual activity and under age pregnancies as well as ensuing abortions due to high sex drive as a repercussions of over consumption of alcohol

                           Alcohol, the world’s oldest and highly expended drugs in the world

Example of illegal drugs:
i)                    Cocaine


                                                           (Structural formula of cocaine.)

Cocaine is the most widely used drug in the world. Others include marijuana, ecstasy and heroin. Each drug has its own negative effects and the effects strength is dependent on its intake. Usually, if a person resorts to drug, that person will have an addiction as its negative side effects after a few intakes. Cocaine and the aforementioned drugs are all illegal drugs that are lethal to our lives. Those drugs cause the body important organs especially the liver and the heart to get damaged and altering their functions. Cocaine, taken as an instance, can cause and individual perception to get affected as well as cause heart attack to the individual irrespective of age. Below is the deeper insight of cocaine drug.

            Preparation of cocaine drug.

The plant in which cocaine drug originates from is the coca plant (Erythoxylon coca). South America is the place where this plant grows mostly in the world. The procedure of making this drug is simple. The basic idea is just to get the coca extract from the leaves and turn it into a drug called cocaine. Labs are the place where this drug is proliferated and since this drug is an illegal drug, the labs are set up in remote unknown place by the illegal producers. The labs mentioned are first the pozo pit labs (solutions of acidic nature is expended), and the second is the common lab (metal drums and gasoline are expended).

The common lab proliferation of cocaine drug (metal drums and gasoline are expended)

Below is the nine simple and common steps cocaine drugs are proliferated;
Step One:
The settings of proliferation of cocaine drugs are usually jungles labs. The coca leaves from the coca plant are soaked some time in metal drums embodying gasoline (proliferation of cocaine through the common lab).


Step Two:
A barrel embodying a diluted acid is then prepared. From the metal drums, the mixture of coca leaves with the gasoline is drained and sieved.  Next, the obliteration of gasoline from the acid layer is conducted. To produce the cocaine base, ammonia solution or sodium bicarbonate is put into the barrel.

Step Three:
Expending a cloth, the filtration of the cocaine base is done

Step Four:
The base of cocaine becomes more unadulterated when the residuals are desiccated.

Step Five:
Ethyl acetate, acetone, or ether is the solvents in which the cocaine base is then mixed with. “Bańo Maria”, a water bath that is hot is expended to heat up the mixture. Concentrated hydrochloric acid together with methyl ethyl ketone is put into the mixture. The impulsion of this act is to crystallize the mixture. The outcome is crystalline cocaine hydrochloride.

Step Six:
By the means of using hand, the cocaine hydrochloride excess solvent is obliterated. Hydraulic press is then expended for the obliteration.

Step Seven:
Microwave ovens are then expended to fully obliterate the solvents. The outcome is the formation of cocaine powder starting point or the foundation.

Step Eight:
Mixture embodying baking soda and water is the mixture in which the cocaine hydrochloride is put into. This is the technique for the formation of cocaine base or so called as ’’crack’’. Boiling of the solution takes place next. It is carried out until a greasy matter is proliferated that drops out of the solution and resides at the container base.

Step Nine:
Cooling of the greasy matter is conducted. It is carried out until a rock-like matter is proliferated from the greasy matter. The end product is the cocaine crack.

                                  Insight into cocaine drug
The chemical properties that the cocaine drug embodies includes both painkilling and stimulation properties. To carry out the painkilling or soothing effect, the nerves to the brain pain impulses transmission are impeded. This is one of the impulsions this drug is expended as local painkiller. If expended with high dose, from a painkiller, it becomes a killer. This is because when high dose is applied, coma is induced in a patient because of breath stop due to the impulse transmission blockage from the brain to the lungs. Aforementioned, cocaine also has stimulation properties. An individual pace of breathing, pressure of blood as well as the rate of heart beat is boosted when this drug is applied. A person attentiveness or preparedness is also invigorated. The emotional state of the individual is also strengthened. Any feelings will be brought up to another level that results in the individual to get feelings like being euphoric, riding high and too down.

 Interesting points on cocaine drug:
v  According to research conducted on cocaine drug addicts, an euphoric feeling is usually defined by them as the upturn in preparedness and vigour, enormously uncontrollable temper and a sensation of inferiority and dominance of the surroundings.

v  According to research conducted on cocaine drug addicts, feelings associated with high embodies becoming too angry (irritability), mistrust on others (paranoia), difficult to control their patience (impatience), and state of being nervous (anxiety).

v  Individuals that consume this drug usually have the following characteristics: I) dilated II) full with vivacity and is hyperactive III) speech is usually ensued with enthusiasm and in raptures.

v  Thirty minutes to two hours is the time span for the cocaine effects to diminish.

v  The feelings associated with high are achieved faster if the cocaine drug is injected, in comparison to snorting.

Negative effects of cocaine long-term usage:
One of the negative effects of cocaine long-term usage embodies the aching of the skin. The individual will feel some sort of rabid pain of the skin. Next, the individual will experience reduction in body weight and the nose septum will also be affected. The individual will also acquire the aforementioned feelings associated with high (irritability, paranoia, impatience, anxiety or the bad mental effects due to Central Nervous System damage.


Tobacco is the source origin of nicotine. Nicotine, same as cocaine, is an addictive drug of high degree. Nicotine enters the body through smoking. Smoking of nicotine is done as usually seen in cigarettes and in some countries in tobacco leaves. Once smoked, the nicotine quickly gets into the bloodstream. This is one of the lethal properties of nicotine. Nicotine boosts an individual heartbeat pace, blood pressure and shortens the individual breath. The negative effect of nicotine consumption embodies:
·         Lung cancer and stroke
·         Teeth are yellow in colour and breath smells bad
·         Neck and mouth cancer
·         Irritability, insomnia, anxiety and restiveness
Quitting from nicotine is difficult as it is highly addictive but it is not impossible. With proper individuals help and thorough procedure, the addiction can be overcome. Together, we can make a difference.